Two new articles every two weeks. Bible Question? E-mail us. THIS ISSUE: "Only the Bible is Right!" (see below) and "Predestination"
By these passages it should be obvious that we can understand what the truth of God is. However, if we look at the religious world today, we see hundreds (maybe thousands) of groups all teaching different things, yet all claiming to have the truth. Such a situation creates confusion for someone honestly seeking the real truth of God. The popular idea that Christianity is divided into different "denominations" or "faiths" is against the will of God. Paul plainly affirmed that there is "one faith" (Ephesians 4:5), not many. Christ said in Matthew 16:18, "I will build My church," not churches. The Apostle Paul rebuked denominational division such as is common today. He tried to stop it when the brethren in Corinth were ready to splinter into separate groups. He said to them:
He also condemned those in Galatia who began teaching things other than the original truth he had taught when he first converted them.
Friends, we can go back to the original truth as revealed by the apostles, and thus be of one mind and one judgment. We can and we must. If we look at all the religious division and ask "Which group is right?" then we're asking the wrong question. We won't discover truth by inquiring of some denominational hierarchy or headquarters. Neither will we get any closer to truth if we simply rely on our own feelings or emotions. No living man today has all truth or is right in every matter. Let's remember that truth does not originate with man.
Only the Bible is right. The Bible is God's sole standard (rule) for religious authority, not doctrinal creeds nor denominational churches legislated by man. Paul says:
Paul was concerned about division in Ephesus arising from those apostasizing from truth. In warning the Ephesian elders about it, he reminded them of the real source of truth and spiritual growth.
If only the Bible is right, and you follow only the Bible (without prejudice or bias), then you know you have the truth. It's as simple as that. Consider the example of the Bereans in Acts 17:10-11 who "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." They understood that "if it's not in the Scriptures, then it's not so." Each person should be diligent in finding truth and obeying it, because God's Word is going to judge every one of us in the end. Jesus said:
Paul said:
Let's reject "denominationalism" and all its confusion, and begin following only the pure gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.