Tri-County church of Christ, Watertown, NY, North Country

April 1, 2003, Vol.3, No.7.
Two new articles every two weeks. Bible Question? E-mail us.
THIS ISSUE: "Introduction to First Samuel" (see below)
and "
Introduction to Ruth"

Overview of the Bible:
Introduction to First Samuel

by Keith Sharp

1 Samuel, 1Samuel, Overview, Summary, OutlineArrangement

In the ancient Hebrew manuscripts, First and Second Samuel were one book.


They are called after the name of Samuel the prophet, not only because he is the chief character of the first part (1 Samuel chapters 1-8) but also because he anointed both of the other two chief characters of the books: Saul and David.


Samuel was the last judge of Israel as well as the first prophet of the kingdom of Israel (3:19-21). He also ministered before the Lord as priest (2:18).


The author of the two books is unknown. He apparently lived during the time of the divided kingdom (27:6). He may have used material originally recorded by the prophets Samuel, Nathan, and Gad (cf. 1 Chronicles 29:29).


First Samuel shows how the problem of anarchy in Israel was solved. Samuel revived the institution of prophecy in Israel (3:1,10,19-21), thus giving the guidance in the right way to individual Israelites.

But how could national guidance be provided? The people rejected God's rule for a king "like all the nations." (8:4-7) God warned them through Samuel that the kind of king they desired would be oppressive (8:9-18). However, they stubbornly insisted on such a king (8:19-20). Thus, God through Samuel gave them the kind of king they wanted: Saul, a physically impressive but head-strong ruler (8:22; 9:1-2; 13:8-12; 14:24,30,43-45; 15:1-9). Thus, God rejected him as king (13:13-14; 15:22-31,35) and selected David, a man after His own heart rather than after the people's, to be king (13:14; 15:28; 16:1-13). Israel needed a ruler after God's heart, not after their own. This God-chosen ruler, David, provided national guidance.


1. The Call & Rule of Samuel - chapters 1 - 8

a. The Birth of Samuel & Song of Hannah - 1:1 - 2:10
b. Samuel's Childhood & Call - 2:11 - 3:21
c. The Death of Eli - chapter 4
d. The Ark Taken & Returned - 5:1 - 7:2
e. Samuel Judges Israel - 7:3 - 8:22

2. The Call & Reign of Saul - chapters 9 - 15

a. Samuel & Saul Meet - 9:1-25
b. Saul's Annointment - 9:26 - 10:27
c. Saul's Victory Over the Ammonites - chapter 11
d. The Speech of Samuel - chapter 12
e. The Sins of Saul - chapters 13 - 15

(1) Foolish Sacrifice - chapter 13
(2) Foolish Command - chapter 14
(3) Rebellion & Stubborness - chapter 15

3. The Conflict Between Saul & David - chapters 16 - 31

a. David's Secret Annointment - 16:1-13
b. David Serves Saul - 16:14-23
c. David & Goliath - chapter 17
d. Saul's Jealousy of David - chapters 18 - 20
e. David a Fugitive from Saul - chapters 21 - 27
f. The Fall of the House of Saul - chapters 28 - 31


1. Samuel occupied three offices: judge, prophet, and priest.
2. Individual spiritual guidance was given to Israel by prophets.
3. National guidance was given by a king.
4. The theme of First Samuel is THE KINGDOM ESTABLISHED.

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