Tri-County church of Christ, Watertown, NY, North Country

June 1, 2004, Vol.4, No.11.
Two new articles every two weeks. Bible Question? E-mail us.
THIS ISSUE: "Something Cannot Come From Nothing" (see below)
and "
The Existence of God"

Series: Evidence for Faith
Something Cannot Come From Nothing

guest article by Wayne S. Walker

"...God who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; who keeps truth forever." (Psalm 146:5-6).

As noted in our last article, while we cannot prove the existence of God absolutely, we can show from the evidence that it is more reasonable to believe in God than to disbelieve. This article begins an examination of the evidence upon which reasonable men can base a faith in God.

One piece of evidence is the fact that the universe exists. To explain this fact, we are faced with a couple of choices. Either something came from nothing, or something has always existed. If the latter is true, then either matter is eternal or mind (intelligence) is eternal. Even though some have denied that the universe actually exists, saying that it only seems to be here, to do so is absurd because our own senses indicate that there is such a thing. The immediate question that comes to mind is, how did it come about?

The axiomatic principle of cause and effect states that something cannot come from nothing, that every effect must have an adequate cause. The wristwatch that I wear on my left arm did not just happen all by itself, someone had to build it. Therefore, our first choice is answered. Something did not come from nothing. Therefore, something has always existed. What is it? Is it lifeless matter? Or is it intelligent mind?

In dealing with this question, Bertrand Russell, a noted unbeliever, once said in a debate on the British Broadcasting Company, that the universe is "just there, and that's all." However, this kind of response does not satisfy inquiring minds who want to know. The principle of cause and effect further affirms that a series of effects must have a beginning, a first cause capable of producing it. There is a scientific law, the second law of thermodynamics, which states that everything in the universe is running down, as from a starting point. It is now believed by most scientists that the universes is losing energy and slowly running down. This leads to the conclusion that matter is not eternal. There is only one alternative. There must an eternal, intelligent Mind which serves as the first cause to explain the existence of the universe.

The Bible offers this same argument. "For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4). Thus, God is presented as the divine First Cause by which was brought into existence the universe and everything that is in it, which in turn obviously serve as evidence for His existence. Paul wrote, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20).

Hence, Christians firmly believe what Moses wrote, that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1). No more reasonable explanation has ever been offered. The only power great enough to be the cause of all that we see and know is the God of the Bible. "Praise the Lord, for He hath spoken; Worlds His mighty voice obeyed. Laws which never shall be broken, for their guidance He hath made. Hallelujah! Amen!"

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