Author : William Stewart
reprinted from “…And They Shall Become One Flesh” available on in Kindle format.
Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, hope that we would be saved was finally given up. I urge you to take heart… (Acts 27:20, 22)
Be Prepared For Storms
Many folks, dependent upon their location, are accustomed to dealing with storms. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, ice storms, blizzards, torrential rains; all these will bring normalcy to a screeching halt and demand a refocus on our attention, for survival sake. The ill prepared may suffer great loss, perhaps even the loss of life itself. For this reason we get adequately and trustworthy insurance; we board up windows; we have storm cellars; we have planned escape routes; we have emergency kits and supplies; etc..
We take measure to lesson the impact that a storm will have on us, and certainly it is wise to do so. Friend, shall we not also “storm-proof” our marriages? As certain as weather related storms will come, we can be assured that storms of life will beat upon our relationships. Whether our marriage survives the storm or is a casualty will depend
in large part on our preparation to endure and overcome the tempest.
Storms will come in various forms and degrees of intensity, as diffrent as a sunshower is from a hailstorm. The Scriptures stress preparedness:
- To do good works (Titus 3:1)
- To defend our hope (1 Peter 3:15), and
- To meet the Lord (Matthew 24:44; 25:10; Luke 12:40)
Shall we not also prepare ourselves to overcome the trials which may challenge our marriages? Consider some of the storms that may challenge our marriage:
- Loss of a child
- Financial difficulties
- Accident / tragedy
- Disagreements
- Health concerns
- Unfaithfulness
- Loss of employment
- Loss of interest
Weathering The Storm
Acknowledging the need to prepare for challenges which will confront us, we must then have some method or tools at our disposal. What is the storm shelter of marital trials? How do we effectively equip the emergency kit of our relationship?
Consider some essentials which will enable our marriages to weather the storms of life:
- One Flesh. As husband and wife, we are to meet the joys and disappointments of life together. The unity and intimacy which God intends for marriage is powerful (Genesis 2:24)!
- Good communication. Poor communication will make difficult circumstances worse. We must be open with our spouse, and use wisdom when it comes to our speech (Proverbs 12:18).
- Eye on the LORD. When the winds and waves threaten to pull us down, let us have our eyes planted firmly on the Lord (Matthew 14:30-31).
- Positive perspective. For some folks, the smallest troubles in life seem like mountains, whereas for others, the monstrous difficulties appear to be molehills. The perspective we have makes a huge difference (Acts 16:25; Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17-18).
Rising Above The Storm
The first time I flew was on a commercial flight from Buffalo NY to Charlotte NC. Already afraid of flying, the prospect of taking off with a storm in the area did not sit well. As we rose from the tarmac, my fear intensified as the wind beat on the plane. But upward we continued, riding the turbulent winds, until… the storm was gone and the sun was shining. We had risen above the storm! While stuck in the storm, it can be hard to see anything but the threatening tempest. We need to rise above the storm.
The four principles mentioned above will help us to not only weather the storm, but to rise above. Time and again in the Scriptures, we see couples caught in the storms of life (Elkanah & Hannah’s battle with infertility, 1 Samuel 1:5, 8, 11; Job & his wife’s loss of all they had, Job 1:13-19; David & Michal’s in-law problems; etc.). Time and again, we see that the Lord will provide the way for His people to rise above, victorious, if we will take it. Jesus comforted His disciples with these words:
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)