Answers to Questions from Nigeria about Church Functions

(1) Can brethren from different congregations sponsor a TV or radio programme if they use their personal resources without using funds their congregations?

Answer: The self-governing, local church is the specific organization the Lord has authorized for the church to do its work (1 Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 1:1; 1 Peter 5:1-2). A church supported human organization is a corruption of this divine organization (2 John verse 9). However, individual Christians may do evangelistic work together, as long as they do not set up a church-supported organization through which to do that work. Paul and his companions comprise an approved example of this (e.g., Acts 20:2-6).

(2) Is Preacher’s forum (i.e a meeting where preachers of various congregations gather to discuss the word of God and matters affecting them or the local churches) biblical?

Answer: There is nothing sinful about brethren, preachers or otherwise, getting together to discuss the Lord’s work. Actually, Acts 15 is an example of members of different congregations coming together to discuss spiritual issues. However, neither an individual preacher nor a group of preachers from various congregations has the authority to make decisions involving the work or teaching of one or more congregations (1 Peter 5:1-2). On the basis of my own experience, I would caution against any meeting of preachers being lowered to a forum for gossip (2 Corinthians 12:20).

(3) Can a local church bear the transportation costs of her members who attend gospel meetings or lectureships organized by another local church?

Answer: Yes, this is generally authorized as a part of the edification work of the local church (Ephesians 4:11-16).

(4) Is it scriptural for the church to provide refreshments for brethren during business meetings and lectureships if brethren stay long for this programme?

Answer: The church should never come together for the purpose of those attending to eat their own meals or take refreshments (1 Corinthians 11:17-34). However, it could be a hardship on those attending to go without food and drink (cf. Mark 8:1-3). In this case the church is authorized as an incidental to its evangelistic and edification work to supply necessary refreshment in the same way it is authorized to provide toilets and drinking water.

(5) A local church appealing to rich members of other congregations to support the church’s building project financially.

Answer: The local church is to finance its work through a free will offering of its own members each first day of the week (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Members of other congregations may assist another congregation in doing its work if they so choose and if they do not hurt the work of the church where they are members (Romans 16:1-2).

(6). Quiz competition, both within a local church and between local churches e.g Children Bible Quiz.

Answer: There is nothing wrong with the church having enjoyable Bible classes as long as the purpose is teaching (1 Thessalonians 1:6-8). Ezekiel taught Israel by engaging in a children’s game in their presence (Ezekiel 4:1-3), and the parables of the Master were undoubtedly very enjoyable to hear ( cf. Matthew chapter 13).

Reply by Querist:
Sir, I’m not sure I agree with your answer to my last question which was on quiz competition. I think that quiz competitions should not be encouraged in the church. Quiz competitions involve rewarding winners of the competition with prizes which shouldn’t be a way of edifying. We are to serve God out of love and not for gain. Again, I think that local churches are not supposed to compete against one another but work towards the achievement of the common goal – preparing members for heaven.

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