Question on Eating in the Church Building


I love the series of lesson on institutionalism and I have challenged some of my brethren who believe, that it’s ok to eat in the church building after services Act 20:11. The question asked, which I have not biblical answer is: where in the bible does it authorize us having water payed from the treasury of the church? I know that this will be one of the items which would fall into the incidental items since it speaks to health issues. please help!


Thank you for your commendation of the material.

It is not wrong to eat in the church building. It is true that the apostle Paul ate a meal in the same place the brethren assembled to worship (Acts 20:7,11). It is wrong for the church to come together to for the purpose of eating a common meal. It is both an unauthorized church activity (Colossians 3:17) and a forbidden activity (1 Corinthians 11:17-34). When the church remains after worship is over for the purpose of eating a common meal, that is not incidental to their coming together to worship.

The church is authorized to come together for worship (Acts 20:7; Hebrews 10:24-25). The authorization to assemble includes all things necessary and helpful to assembling. That is the nature of authority. For example, Jesus commands us to go preach the gospel (Mark 16:15), but He doesn’t say how to go. Philip both ran rode in a chariot (Acts 8:26-31), and Paul and Barnabas went on a ship (Acts 13:1-4). To go to Africa, I have to purchase a passport and visa. Those are incidental to going. A church building, water, toilets, seats, lights, etc. are all incidental to the church assembling.

Thank you for your good question.


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