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Introduction to Zephaniah
Keith Sharp


The prophet Zephaniah wrote the book bearing his name (1:1). He was the great great grandson of King Hezekiah and thus of royal lineage (Ibid).


Zephaniah received His message from the Lord during the reign of King Josiah (Ibid). Thus, he was of the same generation as Jeremiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and the prophetess Huldah (cf. 2 Kings 22:14-20; 2 Chronicles 34:22-28) and just senior to Ezekiel and Daniel.


In the Middle Eastern World of Zephaniah's day, blood-thirsty, cruel Assyria continued its 200 year dominance but was about to be supplanted and utterly destroyed by Babylon.

In Judah, under the reigns of wicked Manasseh and his equally depraved son Amon, Judah sunk to a new low of ungodliness and unrighteousness (2 Kings 21; 2 Chronicles 33). Josiah followed Amon and was the last good King of Judah. He exceeded all the rulers before him in zeal for restoring faithful service to God and led Judah’s last spiritual revival (2 Kings 22:1 - 23:30; 2 Chronicles 34-35). But the people did not repent (Zephaphaniah 1:4-6; 3:1-4), and Judah's doom was sealed (1:4-6).


The theme of Zephaniah is "The Great Day of the Lord" (1:14-16). Zephaniah uses the phrase "day of the Lord" eleven times. This day would be the time of the Lord's judgment upon the wicked nations, both Judah and the heathens.


Along with the other prophets of his generation, Zephaniah issued a final plea to Judah to repent. There is no offer that judgment will be spared but that the righteous will be saved (2:1-3). Zephaniah does foresee a joyous day of restoration (3:9-20).


I. Signature - 1:1
II. I Will Consume Everything - 1:2 -6
III. The Day of the Lord Is at Hand - 1:7 - 18
IV. Gather Together All You Meek of the Earth - 2:1 - 3:8
V. I Will Restore to the Peoples a Pure Language (Age of Messiah) - 3:9 - 20

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