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Select a topic below to jump to that series of lessons:
Evidence for the Historical Jesus
"That You May Believe" Evidence for Faith
Sermon on the Mount
Sunday Sermons

Radio Broadcasts

This program is aired in Eastern Ontario, Canada by the Limestone Church of Christ every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. on lite 104.3 FM in Kingston. It is also aired along the I-90 corridor between Rochester and Syracuse by the Eastside Church of Christ every Sunday morning at 7:30 a.m., on WCGR 1550 AM in Canandaigua, WGVA 1240 AM in Geneva, WFLR 1570 AM in Dundee, and WAUB 1590 AM in Auburn.

Program #1: How Are We Saved?
Program #2: Will Sincerity In Religion Save?
Program #3: What Is The Law Of Moses?
Program #4: Can A Child Of God Fall From Grace?
Program #5: Is Peter The Foundation Of The Church?
Program #6: Is Papal Authority Found In The Bible?
Program #7: Does Man Have Free Will To Obey God?
Program #8: What Is The Nature Of Christ's Kingdom?
Program #9: What Will Happen When Jesus Returns?
Program #10: Is mary Our Mediatrix?
Program #11: Does Man Have A Soul?
Program #12: Is There Life After Death?
Program #13: What Is Repentance?
Program #14: What Is Baptism?
Program #15: Is Jesus God?
Program #16: Is Homosexuality A Sin?
Program #17: Do Christians Today Miraculously Speak In Tongues?
Program #18: Who Or What Is The Holy Spirit?
Program #19: What Does The Holy Spirit Do For The Christian?
Program #20: How Does God Want Me To Communicate With My Spouse?
Program #21: What Does The Bible Say About Forgiveness?
Program #22: How Do We Determine Truth?
Program #23: How Does The Blood Of Christ Save Us?
Program #24: Do Works Save Us?
Program #25: Is John 3:16 "Without Controversy"?
Program #26: Is One Church As Good As Another?
Program #27: How Should We Deal With Suffering & Frustration?

Program #28: Can We Change The Gospel? (1:6-10)
Program #29: Is Paul's Apostleship Authentic? (1:1, 11-24; 2:1-14)
Program #30: Can We Be Saved By The Law Of Moses? (2:11-21)
Program #31: How Was God's Promise To Abraham Fulfilled? (3:1-18)
Program #32: What Is The Purpose Of The Law Of Moses? (3:19-4:7)
Program #33: Would Following Moses' Law Cause Me To Be Lost? (4:8-5:6)
Program #34: What Does It Mean That Christians Have "Liberty" In Christ? (5:7-26)
Program #35: What Personal Responsibilities Do I Have In Christ? (6:1-18)

Program #36: What Should I Think About Death?
Program #37: Is Gambling Sinful?
Program #38: What Is Different About The Church Of Christ?

Program #39: The Christian's Confidence (pt 1) - Romans 8
Program #40: The Christian's Confidence (pt 2) - 1 John
Program #41: The Christian's Confidence (pt 3) - Hebrews

Program #42: Jesus And The First Disciples (John 1:35-51)
Program #43: Jesus And Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)
Program #44: Jesus And The Samaritan Woman (John 4:1-42)
Program #45: Jesus And Simon The Pharisee (Luke 7:36-50)
Program #46: Jesus And A Lawyer (Luke 10:25-37)

Presented by John Welch of Indianapolis, IN
April 30-May 2, 2004

#1: Evidence from Non-Biblical Sources. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
#2: The Last 200 Years of Skepticism. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
#3: Early Creedal Statements in Paul's Epistles. Part 1, Part 2
#4: Paul's Vision & the Resurrection of Jesus. Part 1, Part 2
#5: The Process of Revelation & Inspiration. Part 1, Part 2

3rd Annual Lectureship
"That You May Believe" - Evidences for Faith
August 16-20, 2004

(1) Ready To Give A Defense - Bobby Graham
(2) Now Faith Is... - Keith Sharp
(3) What Books Belong In The Bible? - Tom Rainwater
(4) The Bible And Archaeology - Oscar Miles
(5) Prophecies About The Nations - William Stewart
(6) Children's Hour:I Believe In God Because... - Keith Sharp
(7) All Scripture Is Given By Inspiration Of God - Tom Rainwater
(8) The Scripture Cannot Be Broken - William Stewart
(9) Has The Text Of The Bible Been Corrupted? - Tom Rainwater
(10) The Historical Trustworthiness Of The Scriptures - Oscar Miles
(11) Israel In Prophecy - Keith Sharp
(12) Children's Hour:I Believe The Bible Because... - Bobby Graham
(13) Whoever Breaks One Of The Least Of These Commandments - Tom Rainwater
(14) Can We Understand The Bible? - Keith Sharp
(15) The Languages Of The Bible - Bobby Graham
(16) Alleged Bible Contradictions - William Stewart
(17) Christ In Prophecy - Bobby Graham
(18) Children's Hour:I Believe Jesus Is The Son Of God Because... - Oscar Miles
(19) The Word Of The Lord Endures Forever - William Stewart
(20) If You Do Not Believe - Oscar Miles

Click here to download lecture booklet (PDF)

The Sermon on the Mount
Presented by Sewell Hall of Fairlawn, NJ
April 29-May 1, 2005

#1: The Character of Kingdom Citizens
#2: The Righteousness of Kingdom Citizens
#3: Contrast of the Hypocrite and the Kingdom Citizen
#4: Priorities of Kingdom Citizens
#5: Service Among Kingdom Citizens
#6: The Narrow Way of Kingdom Citizens

Discussing Evolution
Presented by Don Patton of Garland, TX
November 2, 2004

#1: Patton Interview on 1240 WATN, Nov 4, 2004
#2: Significance of the Subject of Evolution

Sunday Morning Sermons
Audio portions of various Sunday morning services at Tri-County Church of Christ

02-13-05 Universal Church - Gary Tweedie
02-20-05 On The Sin Of Lewdness - Keith Sharp
02-27-05 Naaman From II Kings 5 - Josh Sims
03-13-05 God's Household - Gary Tweedie
03-20-05 The Privilege Of Prayer (Part II) - Keith Sharp
04-03-05 For What Should We Pray? - Keith Sharp
04-10-05 Why Should I Be A Christian? - Barry Brown
04-17-05 What Was Christ Like? - Josh Sims
04-24-05 The Most Valuable Thing - Josh Sims

03-04-07 Flee-Pursue - Keith Sharp
04-01-07 Reject a Divisive Man - Keith Sharp
05-27-07 Contend for the Faith - Keith Sharp
08-05-07 Psalm 8 - John Bosworth
08-12-07 Affliction - Keith Sharp
09-09-07 Divine All-Sufficiency - Keith Sharp

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